Digital Fabrication I | DIA – Cadlogic Course SS16

Academic research developed at DIA
Directed by  Karim Soliman

This semester’s course will offer students the possibility to choose from one of the following two themes: Digital Fabrication and Advanced Modeling.
The Digital Fabrication group will deal with issues regarding innovative fabrication processes. The students will design and develop a shelter that will be digitally fabricated. Digital experiments as well as physical mockups will be part of the design routine. The structure will have to be self-supportive and it has to be built with cheap materials. The students will be introduced to Rhino and Grasshopper software, analytical simulations and structural optimization techniques.

The Advanced Modeling group will design, model and 3d print Accessories. The students are free to choose the size of their project starting from designing a ring to designing a complete set. They will be introduced to a process of designing and modeling very detailed objects and achieve a very precise result that can be 3d printed.

Final work featured in Digital Fabrication , Parametric Furniture & Body Architecture in the Academic research section

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