The Green Studio vol 01 – Architecture in the comic books | DIA – Studio WS15-16

Category: DIA
Academic research developed at DIA Directed by Karim Soliman This is not another green studio dealing with sustainability in architecture -taking into consideration that everything that we built nowadays, due to a global consciousness and to laws made by institutions like UNFCCC, should be from scratch thought in a sustainable way. This is THE Green Studio. We will be realizing the utopias and distopias from our favorite Sci-fi novels or our favorite...

Advanced Modeling | DIA – Cadlogic Course WS15-16

Category: DIA
Academic research developed at DIA Directed by  Karim Soliman This year the compulsory cad logic course focuses on designing and modeling of futuristic means of transportation. These designs will have to take in consideration the aerodynamics and all the external forces acting on the design, as well as the intrinsic characteristics of the program proposed. The final product will be presented in a short video and 3d printed. This video will present...

Pop-Up | DIA – Studio SS15

Category: DIA
Academic research developed at DIA Directed by Karim Soliman “We tend to view architecture as permanent, as aspiring to the status of monument. And that kind of architecture has its place. But so does architecture of a different sort” Allison Arieff, The New York Times; article name: it is time to rethink ‘temporary’ Pop-up studio will concentrate on a topic of small scale but of high complexity; to design a temporary structure....

Intro to Digital Fabrication Methods | DIA – Cadlogic Course SS15

Category: DIA
Academic research developed at DIA Directed by  Karim Soliman “Architecture continually informs and is informed by its modes of representation and construction, perhaps never more so than now, when digital media and emerging technologies are rapidly expanding what we conceive to be formally, spatially and materially possible. Digital fabrication, in particular, has spurred a design revolution, yielding a wealth of architecture invention and innovation” (1). How Designs use digital fabrication and material...

Hacker Space | DIA – Studio WS14-15

Category: DIA
Academic research developed at DIA Directed by Alexander Kalachev & Karim Soliman Observing a rapid change in the behavior of human society in the second decade of 21st century, looking at the rise of participatory desires and rights of individuals as well as the inevitable need in redesigning and re-articulating structures and institutions of both governmental and public sector, we are seeking to introduce novel design framework that will respond to...

Noo-Topia | DIA – Studio SS14

Category: DIA
Academic research developed at DIA Directed by Liss Werner & Karim Soliman There is no architecture without structure ‘In the same ways that hypertext removes the limitations of the printed page, the post-information age will remove the limitations of geography.’ Negroponte ‘The architect is no longer a designer of discrete objects, matter and space, but a designer of systems with complex components and multi-layered relationships, and we have started handling the scripts, but...

Explore Complexity | DIA – Cadlogic Course

Category: DIA
Self-Organized systems, Cellular Automata, Networks, Genetic Algorithm, Fractals, Dynamic, Chaos, Nonlinear systems, Order, and Randomness!! Yes these among other systems are complex systems and that what we will discover in this course. We will work in parallel with Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico. We will learn all of these different complex systems from experts in different fields. Students will participate in online course with the title (complexity explorer) where all the...

Nomadic Form | DIA – Studio WS13-14

Category: DIA
Academic research developed at DIA Directed by Alexander Kalachev & Karim Soliman The studio will be focused on developing unique living/working mobile units.Rethinking relationships of 21st century human being its personal space and the relationship with the urban environment. Our goal here is to speculate on the idea of "Mobile city" and city metabolism. The studio will  challenge students to "stop drawing dead fish" and rather create interfaces which facilitate new forms...

Manuscript for tomorrow | DIA – Cadlogic course

Category: DIA
The compulsory cad logic course offers a frame work that we all will work together in order to produce projects.In a way reflecting all the revolutionary changes in tools and software around us.That we intend to ignore or we don’t know about it enough and decided to stick only with software and the only way we know how to do use. The course will cover most of this formula going...